
IFairy Miss Fluffy Grey Lens [Review]

5:46:00 PM

Hi beauties, it’s been a long time since I review my Contact lenses and here I am to review another one for you guys! Here is iFairy lens called Miss Fluffy in grey color. This is my first time trying iFairy lens and I am so eager to get one from them finally <3. So, I buy this lens from Dreamie Chuppa. It is not endorsement, but I can say that the owner is really nice and sweet to give me good recommendation and honest review of their lenses. I’ve always buy my lens from this shop, so check them out if you want to try this lens.

There are 5 colors and they are very cute :(. There are blue, grey, green, brown and purple in which I cannot stand to not buy them all. Here I include all of the color and how they look in person.

"Left to right : Brown and Grey"

 "Left to right : Brown and Grey"


This lens is not ready stock and I need to wait for about 1 month for it to come. And do not worry, for I have taken this lens to Hongkong for trip about 4 days. I will give my honest review about how comfy it is, how much hours can it last on my eyes, and how pretty it is :D. Will it be better than any lenses that I’ve ever bought before? Let’s review them.

Omg! The bottles are so cute, I just can’t. They have Unicorn printed on it. And they even use small but thicker bottle, ahahah too cute. They have your standard seal on it so, be careful when opening those. I buy the grey color after thinking about 1 hour :| man, I really love the green one. But, would it be good on me?? And that’s why I changed them into grey. Lol, so typical. Anyway, love the packaging! <3

I bought this lens for Rp. 200.000,- which is quite expensive because I usually bought the Rp. 100.000-150.000,- ones. But, for the quality I think it is worth it. I do not want to damage my eyes in any way, so I would rather pay more.

B. C. : 8.6mm
DIA : 16.2mm
LOT : IC1111A
Water Content : 55%     
Materials : Polymacon
They are made in Korea and they do have expired label on it so do not worry :DD

How it Looks
The design is pretty much simple and doesn’t really stand out much. It is because I prefer the natural kind rather than that pop in front of your eyes. So, I don’t really see any difference or anything special when looked into the lens alone. It does enlarge how your eyes look and I like that <3. And it looks so natural, even though some guys would notice if they are seeing you thoroughly. They will be like, Oh hey your eyes are pretty today, oh wait you are using lenses :p. LOL   

How Comfortable it is
So the owner of the shop claim that iFairy lens are pretty comfortable :DD. And I do agree with her, this lens is so much comfortable than the cheaper ones. They feel light and I feel like there is nothing on my eye. It doesn’t irritate my eyes, also not dry that easy just like the other lenses that I’ve tried. This is so much better than the EOS and Geo brand :(. Good job girl, now you can’t turn back to the cheaper lens that irritate and tired your eyes like you haven’t sleep for years.
When I am in Hongkong, the wind is pretty bad and it still last me for about 9-10 hours which is pretty good. Other lens that I have tried won’t last me that much. They can only last me for about 5-6 hours? And my eyes are irritated so much that it will hurt and turned red. I do use contact lens solution though for this lens after 10 hours, because it will feel not as comfy as before but that is totally not a problem. Great lens for travel for sure!



  • Good for everyday
  • Looks natural
  • Very comfy
  • Not making my eyes irritated
  • Feels light weight like there is nothing on my eye

  • Can’t really see the lens color when indoor (except they are looking into your eyes that much <3)
  • A bit pricey than my lenses before but, as they say, you get what you pay.

4/5 (for now)
They are light, not irritating my eyes, they aren’t making my eyes tired so much and enlarge my eyes, of course I love them.
Repurchase? Sure, but I want to try Dueba lenses, they are cute! So, please suggest me what lens I should have tried next for Dueba or iFairy brand.
I kind of want to recommend you guys to get their green and purple one for fun color. But, if you’d like more natural color, take the brown and grey one ^^.

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  1. ak jd pngen yg purple 😍😍😍 masukin wishlist deh . kmrn hbis beli softlens ㅠㅠ


    1. Iyaaa, yang ungu juga cantikkk warnanya <3 bawaaannya pgn punya smw warnaaa aaaaa wkwk.

