
Missha Original Tension Pact - Perfect Cover [Review]

2:49:00 PM

Hi girls :DD Today I want to review this new cushion from Missha called Original Tension Pact. They have 4 version of this cushion; Perfect Cover, Intense Moisture, Natural Cover, and Tone Up Glow. The one I bought is the Perfect Cover which has the heaviest coverage than the other three kinds. I have a warm tone dry skin and I bought shade #23 which is my go to shade whenever buying cushion. Under here I will put the details of each cushion and what is the difference of this tension pact and other cushion that have been prepared by Missha themselves. Features, Color Tone, Coverage, Moisturizing Level and how Long Lasting it is have been describe below. So be sure to check them out before buying.


The most heartbreaking news is they are not sold that much by online shop here. I’ve seen Althea selling this, but they are already sold out. Sooo, I do think you need to buy this from Korea or try to ask the online shop to hand carry them. So sad though, I think they are quite a good product. So, let’s review them now! <3

The packaging of their original cases are so cute because they are holographic. Also, each of different kinds had different colors and they are pastel. How could they be not cute? And by the way, if you are wondering what is my cushion case. They are limited edition from the collaboration of Missha and Frida Kahlo. There are about 4 designs if I’m not wrong. So, do not forget to buy them while it still last. I won’t regret that I bought this case <3 <3. Roses, Deer and rose gold inside?? Just take my money :(.

There are about 14 gr of products inside, usually one cushion will last me about 3-4 months (Just reference of how I usually used up my cushion). And oh, I get this tension pact for about 9.000 (Rp 106.000,-). So cheap leh :|, I’ve got more discount too for them fortunately.

(There are no source about the ingredients, and there is nothing on the box. Sorry guys T_T)

Swatch and Texture
They have very thick consistency when applied. For sure it is because their coverage is quite high rather than the other kind and the magic cushion. One thing I did found is that they are lighter than the magic cushion. You can see how it brighten my face more at photo below. If you give them some time, they won’t oxidize (maybe little) but still looks lighter than the magic one. So, I suggest you to buy the shade that is close to your skin. Do not try to buy the lighter shade and hope it will oxidize much like the usual cushion, they won’t.

"Please ignore my dead skin cell here :("

One thing that I loved about Missha cushion is, even if they said it is Matte, it wouldn’t be bizarre on dry skin like me. It does accentuate some of my harsh dry patches if I’m not using any moisturizer (just don’t forget to use cream or essence under your makeup).

I have redness and some discoloration at my face. The tension pact really does well in reducing the redness. So, how is the coverage? Much better! They hide my acne at my forehead well, they also hide my acne scar a bit more than the magic cushion. Still, it won’t cover your acne scar much, need concealer I guess :|. Oh do not worry, they are also buildable.

But, you need to contour or do blush a bit. As you guys know that this is cushion, not concealer. When cushion or foundation have higher coverage, they tend to look more flat and pale. So, if you like more natural finish, choose the magic cushion rather than this cushion. They also feel a bit heavier than the magic cushion (still light but not as light as the magic cushion).

Photos (Difference of the Magic Cushion and the Original Tension Pact)

Here you can see that i used the tension pact at my right side face which what a fool I am. Why do the puff is in my left side -_-'... Anyway, the original tension pact clearly looks brighter and lighter than the magic cushion at my left side.

How Good is the Staying Power?
This one maybe is the same like other cushion because they don’t claim that this cushion is long wear. Approximately about 6 hours and you need to re-apply especially for humid nation like Indonesia for best condition. On low temperatures region, they are more long lasting for about 8-9 hours. I usually wipe them off with any wet tissues and reapply again. That is how cushions are pretty much great huh, you can re-apply everywhere. Because this is the matte version of the kinds, I suggest oily skin to buy this one or the natural cover rather than the moisture kinds.

And for dry skin like me, if your skin is really bizarre for that day, after 4 hours you will see this cushion break apart like how other matte cushion do. So, I do need to re-apply them L. I haven’t found cushion that doesn’t do this. Maybe the moisture one? But, meh, I need some cover. I don’t want any sheer cushion; my skin is not that great.

Photos (Full side of Original Tension Pact)

And here you can see how it looks on different lighting <3

  • Medium to high coverage
  • Definitely build-able
  • Reducing redness
  • Reducing pore
  • Best coverage for Missha cushion
  • Brightens my skin
  • A bit heavier than the usual cushion (not so much)
  • Looks lighter than the usual cushion shade (I’m not bothered with it, but for some of you guys maybe)
  • After some hour passed they will break apart at some places like how matte cushion do
  • No free refill for this cushion (you’ll need to buy them)
4/5 (for now :p)
Best cushion that I have tried for now for more coverage. They got coverage and they are not so dry like the Etude one. The finish is pretty and I love it. I suggest that for oily skin to powder their face in the oily places to make it more long lasting.
If I want more coverage I will use this cushion, if I want natural finish for going out I will still use the magic cushion one.
And Repurchase? Of course! The only thing is they are hard to find in Indonesia. So, I do recommend you guys to try it ^^.

My Korean friend suggested me to try April Skin cushion which people have bad review about them here :|. And yet they are popular in Korea, weird, is it because Indonesia is humid and they aren’t that long lasting here than other cold countries?

Who wants me to review April Skin cushion? Please comment below and also told me about your experience, which cushion is your favorite and why? Please do suggest me any new makeup or skincare that you would like to read also ^^.

See you at next post, bye everyone!

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  1. Waaaaa super cutee.. Love the packaging :D


    1. Iyaaa cute pake bangetttt <333 memang limited edition sih kolaborasi ini. Untung udah kebeli kebetulan <3. Thanks udah dateng ya

  2. akkkkk emng penasaran banget sama produk2nya missha *liatisidompet*

    1. Ga bakal nyesel beli ini sis, coveragenya oke <3. Dan ga se-oily missha yang magic cushion. Kalo ada yang jual bisa dicoba, soalnya susah banget nyari ini cushion di indo :(((

  3. kemasannya lucu juga ya, agak bulky ngak sih aslinya sepertinya agak besar ya dimensinya

    1. Kalau dibandingkan sama yang magic cushion memang lebih lebar sedikit diameternya sis, tapi kalo soal tebelnya (tingginya) langsingan si original tension pact ini <3. Cuma lucu banget sis packagingnya <3 coveragenya jg oke

  4. Missha emang case cushionnya ucul-ucul ya, tapi aku emang belum pernah pake cushion. Udah beberapa kali tergiur beli tapi malah jadinya beli yg lain.


    1. Bangettt sis, oh ya? Monggo dicoba sis pakai cushion. Awalnya juga saya belinya bb cream terus engga ikutin jaman. Tapi setelah coba lebih seneng pakai cushion jadinya, gampang tinggal apply kayak bedak dan bisa dibawa2 dan reapply dengan gampang deh (buat foto2 <3).

  5. Belinya di mana sis? Korea?? Karena busa murah gitu?

    1. Iyaa sis, titip temen aku yang tinggal di korea ><. Aslinya mungkin 150 rb lebih atau 200 rb kurang, cuma katanya misshanya juga lagi diskon disanaa waktu itu hahah.

