
COC Eye Contact Single Shadow - Paprika [Review]

3:48:00 PM

Hi girls <3, I have plenty of products from an unknown brand (for me though) to be reviewed in this blog and I will review one of them today. At first I bought it because I’ve got a discount to be used at Althea and I have no idea about what product should I buy. Because the discount is not much and I still have stock of products that I used to buy for the same price, and so I tried another brand that is really foreign to me. It is COC Eye Contact Single Shadow in number 6 called Paprika (so funny XD). The price is about Rp. 31.000,- at Althea and honestly I’m not hoping this product to be good at all at first.

They have about 7 colors from this line; Caramel Toast, Daily Match, Coral Shake, Earl Grey, Golden Honey, Paprika and Sugar Mocha. I’m sorry that I only got one color from this line :(. I don’t find any special color other than the Paprika itself. I’ve tried to find reddish pink that would suit my skin tone as natural everyday look (it is quite rare to find one in Indonesia), so maybe this would be the one? Can’t wait to try this :DD.

It just struck me when I am doing makeup using my Nubian Palette. Because I find the color that I show down below to be quite close with this Paprika shadow. Hmm.. Will it be a dupe for it? Let’s compare it for fun.

The middle color from Nubian Palette that also looks reddish

I also haven’t really seen anyone reviewed this product before. And that’s why I will review this shadow honestly for you guys. Who knows that it will be a hidden great item to get. Okay, let’s just start :DD!!

It doesn’t come with a box or anything. The packaging looks the same with any single shadow from Korean brands. They also didn’t put up any information about this product at all. I’m so sorry that I can’t mention about how much this product weight and what the ingredients they used in this shadow.
One thing that I can mention is the pattern of this shadow though :D. It is very cute and I’m trying so bad not to damage it, which is literally taking damage now (sad) :|.

There is no information about the ingredients at all. If you ever got an allergic reaction from eye shadow, I suggest to try it on your neck or other areas before putting it at your eyes area. It doesn’t irritate my sensitive skin though, so maybe it is quite safe. But just to be sure, please be careful okay? Especially if there are no information about the products at all.

Soft texture, Strong color payoff
Perfectly fits to skin
Long-lasting coat

Texture & Pigmentation
The texture is really unpredictable for the price. It is really soft when touched, just like finely milled powder. It is also very easy to blend this shadow. The thing is, it looks more pigmented on your finger than the swatch looks. But it’s still great, especially for natural looks. If you want to have bolder looks, try using eye primer from Etude House. I have put down the swatches when using and not using the eye primer. It works very well :DD. 

So, for fun I will compared it with this shade from Nubian Palette. At a glance, it looks quite close. But if you see it closely, the Nubian looks coppery and the Paprika looks more pink. Even though the Nubian shadows is more pigmented than the Paprika, the pigmentation looks quite close when using eye primer. If you are more into the coppery look, try the Nubian one and if you’d like reddish pink shadow then use the Paprika. It is all about your preference <3. Both are good. The thing that I loved about the Nubian is you don’t need any primer. Just try to use a little amount of it and blend well to get natural looks. But, both are great for natural look. The pan size of the COC shadow also good, it is a bit bigger than the Nubian one.

The middle color shade in the Nubian Palette looks a bit similar with Paprika

Left is Paprika (looks pink) and Right is from the Nubian Palette (looks coppery)

How they looks when swatched, the paprika (upper shade) looks more sheer (but still pigmented)

Here I used primer at the top of both swatches, it looks pigmented like the Nubian

If you are trying to do the looks that I am using for reference here, just put on golden eyeshadow as a base all over the lid. Then put on little by little of this Paprika shadow into the middle part and the outer corner of the eyes and blend them well. Then put on a bit of the Paprika for the under eye starting from the outer corner into the middle part of your eye. It’s done! Doesn’t it look like a natural Korean eye makeup? Just topped it off with a gradient lip and you’re set! I really love this look and have using it for about one month and I hope you all will try this look <3.

I haven’t used it with eye primer for the eyes, because this is the look that I’ve tried to get. But I guess it will look stunning when used with primer :D, you can definitely use it for night parties or formal event. Definitely good choice, I’m happy with my decision to try this product <3!

Pros :
  • Cheap
  • Very buttery and soft
  • Easy to blend
  • Pigmented even without eye primer compared to some single shadow (looks subtler like flushed pink)
  • Even more better with eye primer
Cons :
  • There is no information about Ingredients and the weight of this product
This is really unexpected for me. The product is really cheap and pigmented! I’ve always reach it for about one month until now. Their colors are pretty and I think that they absolutely suit everyone skin well. If you are trying to get cheap pigmented eyeshadow, try this one :D! For recommendation, I suggest you to buy between the Daily Match or Coral Shake for the base to match with Paprika. The Paprika is a must buy though <3.

Please comment down below if you like me to review another unknown brand like this for later post ^^. It is fun and really unexpected to find products like these. I hope you enjoy this kind of review and I hope it helps you guys :DD. See you guys at next post! XOXO! <3

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  1. Kukira paprika lebih deep merahnya. Ternyata hampir mirip sama nubian ya. Aku baru beli nih yg paprika, tapi blm nyampe. Ga sabar buat swatch ria


    1. Iya sis ><, aku pikir juga lebih ke merah. Engga taunya lebih ke pink-pink gitu, tapi pigmentasinya oke sih buat harganya.

  2. One of the prettiest rosy eyeshadow single! Just goes to show to not judge a book by it's cover because the shade is so lovely! Hopefully I can find a similar shade like that where I live.

    ~ Micah♥

    1. Hi Micah ^^, it really is pretty and i am shock on how good and pigmented this cheap shadow are. I hope you find them :D, but didn't Althea also opened in philippines? You can get them from Althea. <3

